Disturbances in Seemoto service 2022

Disturbances in Seemoto service 2022

19th of September, 2022

Malfunction in a network device had been detected at 8:15 (UTC+0) in Seemoto service and this was delaying the reception of measurements. This may have appeared to some customers so that the measurements were not in real time in the service. The situation did not require any actions from the customers and the situation returned to normal quickly after the issue was solved.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. 


15th of August, 2022,

Tampere, Finland

Dear Seemoto Customer,


By means of this document MeshWorks Wireless Oy, a corporation organized and existing under laws of Finland, proprietary owner of Seemoto brand confirms that

On 1st of August 2022 at midnight (UTC 0) there was a major power outage in Finland Tampere area due to the broken transformer. Unfortunately Seemoto cloud and MeshWorks Wireless Oy office are located in the same district and also they suffered from the failure. During the break Seemoto was not accessible. It took three hours from the electricity company to fix the failure. Seemoto cloud has its own UPS power bank for shorter power failures, but not for this long. It was challenging to get all systems back to fully functional. From 9 AM (UTC) Seemoto worked OK, but the measurements were not up to date. Finally in the evening all customers had their data in real time. After that the systems and Seemoto has worked without any problems.

Seemoto has developed a new information sharing process for system breaks. During the power failure and recovering period also sending and receiving emails were not possible, so information flow of the break was still problematic. We faced problems in informing our customers by the selected eMail solution. A massive set of eMails were sent at 8.11 AM (UTC). According to the feedback we received some eMail systems had treated them like a trash mail and customers did not get the message or it was located to junk-mail. Info to our Support Portal was updated and immediately after the login to Seemoto was successful a pop up message was added after login.

The following corrective actions have been started.

-          1. We will redefine and secure the information sharing system, especially the email part.

-          2. We will also develop a cloud system that is more resilient to power outages. A concrete first step is to introduce a back-up power generator, which will ensure the electricity supply of the entire property even during longer power outages. The purchase and installation of a generator of this size including the other related arrangements is a big project and must be planned carefully. MeshWorks Wireless oy informs its customers as the procurement of the backup power container progresses and the schedules become more detailed.


We are truly sorry for any inconvenience these problems in our cloud service have caused to you.

Marko Kyrölä
MeshWorks Wireless Oy

Hatanpään valtatie 48
33900 Tampere, Finland

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