How I can move TS-sensor and/or TS-logger from one location to another?

How I can move TS-sensor and/or TS-logger from one location to another?

There is following options for moving TS-sensors and/or TS-loggers and their frames from one location to another.

Option1: Reuse sensor frames
1.) remove sensor from sensor frame
2.) detach sensor frame and it's adhesive carefully using knife or similar sharp tool (optionally: if frame is attached with screws instead of adhesive, remove screws)
3.) ensure removed frame has the magnet attached (small magnet should be under the adhesive tape towards sensor) 
4.) Attach frame using either screws or by adding some adhesive.
5.) Attach the sensor to the frame

Option2: Order new sensor frames from and move old sensors to new frames.

NOTE1: Test to ensure sensor frames do have magnets: 
- Use another frame and move frames against each other. 
- You will easily feel two magnets.

NOTE2: magnet polarity does not matter, magnet shall just be in it's place.